Why Your Pet Deserves Organic Dog Food

Why Your Pet Deserves Organic Dog Food

  • Kirsten Thornhill - 06.04.2020

You only want what’s best for your puppers. Trust us, we totally get it. Your four-legged pooch is more than just a pet, they’re family. Your confidant. Your bff. It makes sense that you would do just about anything and everything under the sun to make sure that their well being and mental happiness are being met….

It may not come as a shock that dogs and humans share a lot of similarities. We both suffer from allergies, experience stress and anxiety, and struggle with sore muscles and achy joints. What dog owners may not know is that we are similar to our dogs in the sense that our overall health and wellness begins with what we are putting into our precious bodies. 

Just like us humans, dog’s health and wellbeing are correlated to their diet. Thus, providing your puppers with the best, organic food can truly make a difference. From curing digestive problems to easing overall inflammation to even preventing cancer, it all starts with nutrition. So what is the best of the best food? Is the label that important?

In today’s article, we’ll talk all things organic dog food and why your pup may benefit greatly from having a clean diet.

Why Organic Dog Food is so Important

First off, it’s important to recognize and understand why organic food is so much better for you and your doggo. I feel the easiest way to talk about organic is to talk about what’s NOT organic. 

If you want to purchase something organic, then the product does not contain:

  • Grown with artificial pesticides or fertilizers
  • Harvested with synthetic growth promoters
  • Genetically modified

In addition, animal products that are organic are raised without antibiotics, growth promoters, or drugs. 

If the food is not organic and 100% natural. It may very likely contain additives and GMO: plain and simple.

What is GMO

You hear about them all the time, but what exactly are GMOs? Knowledge is power here, my friends! It’s crucial to know what you’re avoiding in order to stay on track effectively. 



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), GMOs are organisms whose genetic material, DNA, has been altered and modified in a way that does not occur naturally. For instance, introducing a gene from a completely different organism to alter the state of the present organism. 

The cat is definitely out of the bag in regards to GMOs scaring away plenty of customers. There have been conspiracy theories and controversies around the safety of these genetically modified organisms time and time again. Some scientists claim that there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to GMOs, however, others believe that the companies behind these GMOs are the ones backing the studies about the genetic modification as being “safe” because they stand to profit from these claims. Wow. 

The US and Canada have approved GMOs. Sad face. But, 38 countries and counting have banned genetically modified crops and products. Woo!

Where are the GMOs

Here’s where you should get concerned. GMOs are everywhere!

Genetically modified crops such as:

  • Rice
  • Canola
  • Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Peas
  • Alfalfa
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Potatoes

The worst part is that these ingredients are commonly found in commercial pet foods too…..

Experts say that up to 70% of processed foods for human consumption contain GMOs. 

Here’s a quick example: Soy is massive US crop use in both pet food and human food. 94% of soy is genetically modified. 

Be aware though, soy is also commonly listed as:

  • Tocopherols
  • Vitamin E
  • Lecithin
  • Hydrolyzed protein
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Many goods with plant, bean, or vegetable in the name are all soy-based products, including tempeh, tofu, and textured veggie protein. 

GMO = Serious Problems

Studies are suggesting that GMOs have a direct correlation with issues such as:

  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage
  • Immune system damage
  • Skin and food allergies
  • Cognitive issues
  • Digestive disorders
  • Harm to other internal organs (pancreas, reproductive organs)
  • Endocrine disruption
  • Variations in gut bacteria leading to leaky gut
  • Autism 

The main takeaway here: the most efficient way to completely avoid GMOs is to purchase whole, certified organic foods, for you and your pup! Certified organic foods are not allowed to use GMO ingredients. The products are grown without artificial pesticides or fertilizers and the animals are raised without antibiotics, growth promoters, or drugs. 

The Benefits of Organic Dog Food

Optimal health starts from within. Many illnesses can be cured with dietary adjustments, yet instead, traditional medications are still commonly prescribed to mask the underlying issue(s). Conventional drugs are well-known for their ability to temporarily hide one problem whilst causing a whole laundry list of other issues to further develop. We recommend using nutrition to better your pup before looking to conventional medications. 

An organic diet has been known to help various conditions without the need for potentially harmful medications. 

Here are 6 wonderful benefits of switching to organic dog food:

1. Helps Skin Conditions and Allergies

Just like us humans, dogs suffer from skin issues and allergies too. Luckily, organic ingredients can help reduce the overall skin conditions and associated allergies. How is this possible you ask? Toxins, pesticides, chemical additives, and artificial flavoring are major components when it comes to dog allergies. So, removing these elements from their diet significantly reduces their chances of an allergic reaction. 




Experts suggest doing an elimination diet, where paw parents begin with a very bland diet and slowly reintroduce certain ingredients. Food for thought: What if your dog isn’t allergic to chicken but rather the chemical antibiotics of the chicken?  Switching to an organic diet is an effective option to determine what is exactly causing the allergic reaction(s) to occur. 

2. Aids in Digestive Health

When your pup’s diet consists of only organic ingredients, you’ll likely see results in terms of digestive health first. An organic diet is much easier for the dog’s body to fully digest due to the fact that proteins and grains lack artificial and chemical substances. 



You might notice a change in their stool too. Paw parents have reported that their pup’s bowel movements are more regular and diarrhea and constipation fully subside. 

An organic diet is loaded with necessary nutrients that your pooch needs.

3. Helps Maintain Healthy Weight

Organic dog food doesn’t contain bulk-fillers. Your dog won’t have to overeat in order to feel content and full. Obesity is a major health issue when it comes to dog health.



Here, at Petly CBD, we believe that preventative care is truly the best medicine. Changing your pup to an organic diet will help ensure that they will receive all the nutrients they need without the extra “bulky junk” that fill so many bags of commercial dog food. 

4. Improves Energy Levels

Organic food provides your pup with all the fuel they need to be their playful, fun selves, due to the fact that the organic ingredients contain large amounts of nutrient-dense calories. 


5. Improves Overall Immunity and Health


Your pooch doesn’t have to necessarily be overweight to make the organic switch. More so, natural dog food proves time and time again to be an effective disease preventative as well as a crucial part in ensuring their live their best life. 


Organic dog food doesn’t have ANY animal by-products. Animal by-products such as gluten, fillers, and diseased tissues, are present in more commercial pet foods than you may think. Choosing organic virtually guarantees that your dog’s food contains only the best of the best meat and produce. 

































Going Organic: The Thumbs Up

If you see the “USDA Organic” label or “Certified Organic” seal on your food, it meant that the item(s) must have an ingredients list as well as the contents must be 95% or more organic. According to the USDA, the product must be free of synthetic additives, like chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and dyes, and absolutely CANNOT be processed using irradiation, genetic engineering, or industrial solvents. The 5% of the product may only be foods or processed with additives from a specific USDA approved list. 

Organic Food for your Dog: Final Thoughts

When all is said and done, we know that you want the best of the best for your four-legged best friend. Here at Petly CBD, we are all doggo lovers and paw parents. Thus, we understand how heart-wrenching it is when your pup isn’t feeling quite feeling 100%. 

We highly encourage our readers to reevaluate why your pup may be suffering. Is their food source up-to-date? Up to standards that you would expect for yourself? Are you reading the labels before deciding on a product that seems healthy? 

There are so many options for paw parents to ensure that their fur child is reaping all the benefits that their food should be providing. Choosing organic options helps ensure that you are not feeding your dog harmful additives, by-products, or anything you wouldn’t eat yourself. 

Your pup’s overall health and wellbeing starts from the inside out. By providing your pup with the highest quality of food, you’re providing your pup will the highest quality of life possible. 

Woo hoo!

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