Turmeric for Dogs

Turmeric for Dogs

  • Kirsten Thornhill - 14.05.2020

You only want what’s best for your four-legged fur friend. There’s no surprise that more and more studies are uncovering the dangers of conventional medicine and more and more paw parents are searching for natural alternatives. I mean, it makes sense….why subject your doggo to a slew of potentially harmful adverse reactions when you could choose an all-natural treatment option with virtually no side effects. What if we shared with you that a little spice could make the world of difference for your pup? What if it’s already in your cabinet? 

Well, it’s here and now. Turmeric for dogs is making major headway in the world of natural health and wellness and we’re more than excited to be the ones to share this health information to you paw parents!

Turmeric 101

Let’s start with the basics of the basics.

Turmeric is a yellow-orange spice. It gives curry its earthy, deep flavor. It’s commonly used in Thai and Indian foods. Whether you realized it at the time or not, you’ve most likely had turmeric before. You probably have some in your spice cabinet right now, most likely. Turmeric is a sibling of the ginger family. It’s a root native to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Although it has been widely used as a medicinal treatment for hundreds and hundreds of years in humans, it’s also beneficial for our beloved four-legged paw friends. Turmeric for dogs has only recently been getting the attention it has long deserved. Anyhoo.

With well over 6,000 studies to credit, turmeric has been shown to effectively eliminate or enhance the effects of many traditional and conventional medications.



There are numerous reasons to add turmeric to your dog’s diet. From fighting inflammation to treating and managing arthritis. Turmeric is such an important little and bright spice that may just make the difference in your dog’s health. 

Meet Curcumin 

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. It’s found in the bulbs and roots of the Curcuma longa plant. From the thousands of studies published on turmeric, curcumin has been shown to be an antioxidant, anti-inflammation, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer. Whoa!

Because of its amazing healing potential, curcumin has even been called “cure-cumin”. 

Even though curcumin is a super powerful tool in treating existing issues, it’s also important in preventing ailments too. 

The Beaming Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

The health benefits of turmeric are astounding! It can help fight diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver disease, gastrointestinal issues, Alzheimer’s Disease, and arthritis. 

So how can turmeric help my dog?




1. Anti-Inflammatory

When you think about inflammation, you typically think of conditions associated with joints and swelling, right? However, don’t undermine or localize good ‘ole inflammation….it’s at the core of a long list of health problems. 

Inflammation may cause: 

  • Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Dental Disease
  • Digestive diseases
  • Kidney Disease

Sounds silly, but not all inflammation is necessarily bad. It’s the body’s way of responding to bacteria, trauma, and toxins. If your doggo is exposed to harmful bacteria or experiences trauma, blood flow increases to the affected area(s) and an army of white blood cells would rush to the injury site or infection. This large influx of white blood cells to an affected area is the main characteristic of inflammation. The acute phase of inflammation is also associated with increased redness, heat, pain, swelling, and even potential loss of function. 

Problems do come up when the inflammation persists for weeks, months, or even years on end, aka chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of many diseases.

Time for the good news now! Studies have continuously shown that curcumin works just as well (or better) than the conventional anti-inflammatory drug. Studies have suggested that curcumin can outperform both ibuprofen and aspirin in treating individuals with inflammation. 

Inflammation is a key factor in most diseases your dog may face, so keep in mind, turmeric can be an amazing, all-natural remedy. 

2. Helps with Pain

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects also make for great pain relief! Inflammation can involve swelling and make your puppers really uncomfortable. Turmeric helps in reducing or even eliminating this discomfort significantly over time. 



3. An Antioxidant

Fighting free radicals day and night. Antioxidants have the ability to slow degeneration and aging, potentially even increasing someone’s lifespan. Yes, free radicals exist and naturally produce in the body, however, they can also develop when exposed to pesticides, chemicals, pollution, processed dog food, and toxins (to name a few). Turmeric works to fight off these free radicals constantly as well as helping prevent irreversible cell damage. 

4. Healthy Heart 

Turmeric promotes heart health for you pup (and you too)! Curcmin is great for dogs who suffer from congestive heart failure. Turmeric has been suggested to lower LDL cholesterol and help reduce the potential for blood clots to form. 

5. Helps with Arthritis

Since turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, it can effectively treat doggos with arthritis. Turmeric can help reduce inflammation and relieve the stiffness and pain associated with arthritis. 

A 2014 study showed that turmeric worked just as great as ibuprofen did in reducing pain, yet without the gastrointestinal issues associated with ibuprofen.

If your dog has arthritis, you know exactly just how hard and heart-wrenching it can be to see how simple activities can become very painful and tiring for them. By adding turmeric to your dog’s daily routine, you’re providing them a safe and effective way to help them get back feeling normal again. 

6. Cancer

Curcumin can help stop the precancerous changes in your dog’s system, making for a great preventive therapy.

In addition, The American Cancer Society had indicated that curcumin interrupts cancer cells and their ability to spread and continue to grow. Curcumin has also been demonstrated to decrease tumor size and kill cancer cells. 

Nearly 50% of all adult dogs will be diagnosed with one form or another of cancer. Turmeric is a great first preventative step to stop cancer from starting. 

7. Supports Liver Health

The liver plays a vital role in removing harmful toxins, processing nutrients, and regulating the blood. 



Studies suggest that turmeric helps support liver function by helping break down fats and remove waste. 

How to Use Turmeric

Now that you’ve read all about the beautiful benefits of turmeric, I’m sure you’re wondering just how can you incorporate it into your dog’s diet? Unfortunately a little sprinkle on their food here and there won’t really do the trick. Turmeric isn’t quite easily absorbed into the body. 

Combining turmeric with a healthy oil, such as coconut oil, will significantly increase its ability to be absorbed adequately. 

Turmeric Oil

Start with ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and place it in a cup.

Add 2 -5 ml of oil, olive oil or coconut oil will do!

Add 6 - 8 grings (or pinches) or black pepper.

Mix the oil mixture together and add it to the top of your dog’s dinner - delish!

What is the Dog Dosage

There’s isn’t really a one-size-fits-all approach here. We do advise that you keep a close eye on your pup when introducing a new supplement (including turmeric). While most won’t experience any potential side effects, it’s always a better bet to be safe than sorry here, especially when it comes to your furry companion.



According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, they recommend 15 - 20 mg of turmeric per pound of body weight per day.

⅛ to ¼ teaspoon per day for every 10 lbs in weight

Turmeric Side Effects

Since turmeric is 100% natural, it’s generally regarded as a very safe spice. However, there are a few possible side effects that we want to inform you about. 

First and foremost, turmeric is a known blood-thinner, helping reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. But, if your dog is already on other blood-thinner medication, this could cause some problems. 

Turmeric is a binding agent, a wonderful remedy for dogs with diarrhea. But, if your dog is dehydrated, it could lead to constipation or other issues. 

In most cases, no side effects have been reported in dogs. 

Turmeric for Dogs: Final Thoughts

Your dog’s health and well-being are so important. Since your pup isn’t exactly able to tell you if something’s wrong, you must be constantly aware of potential warning signs and be able to act appropriately when deemed necessary. 

A simple trip to the vet may not be just all you need to do though. Being able to see and recognize that conventional medications come with a whole laundry list of potential side effects is also super crucial! Always do your homework and know the side effects of any new supplement or drug before giving it to your dog. 

Turmeric is a powerful and effective option, for you and your pup! Remember to always speak with a holistic veterinarian before starting your doggo on any new supplements, they’ll make sure your natural treatment plan is best set for your dog’s health and well-being as the main priority. 

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